Uwe Bernitt

Germany based Product Manager

Experienced, hands-on & result driven Technical Product Ma­na­ger.

Passionate about both, doing the right thing and doing the thing right. Tries to en­force star­ting with the Why?.

Firm be­lie­ver in customer oriented thinking and data-backed ac­ting.

People centric & an absolute team-player! Experienced in wor­king with diverse, multicultural, fully remote & globally dis­tri­bu­ted teams.

Background as Business Analyst, Consultant, Software Ar­chi­tect and Developer.

In his spare time, falls back into hacking and tinkering from time to time. Also loves travelling, hosting strangers at home and at­ten­ding heavy metal festi­vals all over Europe.

Could also be found via xing but not via linkedIn for reasons & can be contacted via tinrtiie

Tasks and Missions


Eagerly trying to bring the best hardware products into the best home automation solution in the best possible way

as a PM@Nabu Casa

2019 - 2022

Fiercely fighting attempts to disguise ads and force them on ad blocking software users

Constantly working on making the internet a better place for eve­ry­one

as a PM@Eyeo

2018 - 2019

Enthusiastically productifying ad filtering technology to offer it to (mo­bi­le) app vendors who listen to the wishes of their cus­to­mers

as a PM@Eyeo

2016 - 2018

Drastically easing the life of >70k hotels worldwide that don't want to only rely on their own websites to sell their rooms

as a PM@HRS

2015 - 2016

Finally bringing German train schedules, infos and recent up­da­tes, as well as the tickets to smartwatches

Consequently redirecting searches for train schedules right into the DB na­vi­ga­tor app

as a BA and PO@Deutsche Bahn

2012 - 2015

Proudly proving to Google Marketeers that it doesn't need AMP to cre­ate performant mobile websites

as a Dev@HRS

2004 - 2012

Frequently helping companies understand their op­por­tu­ni­ties in the mobile web when they just wanted to minify their desk­top websites

as a Consultant@Sevenal

2003 - 2004

Curiously researching possibilities of predicting molecule struc­tures in order to base drug creation on the fin­dings

as a Graduant@ACGT ProGenomics

2003 - now

Delightedly preparing the world for his two great kids! Occa­sio­nal­ly also the other way round

as a Dad